Varshphal  (Annual Solar Return) report, also known as Annual Horoscope is a specialised technique to generate the Varshphal Kundli for a year. Typically an annual solar chart is prepared for the time the sun reaches the exact position in degrees and minutes for the year in question to that of the natal position. The Varshphal analysis provides deep insight into your current year in terms of overall theme of the year, career, health, family and relationships. Our Varshphal analysis report Predictions along with Solutions is a great tool to prepare you for the upcoming months and thereby empowering you to take control of your destiny for Rs.199 only.

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Personalized Astrology Predictions & Astrological Reading for an Year.

Your 2020-21 Horoscope will let you know how fortunate the year would be. It gives you a general overview of your life. The report includes predictions based on changing planetary positions that cast significant influences in your life. It also gives an overall reading for the year based on the combined effect of planets in your 2020 horoscope.

Career benefits & prospects – Career Predictions 2020-21.

If you are looking for a career change or a job this year, our exclusive 2020-21 career predictions cover all the details you need to know. It lets you understand the scopes and opportunities in your career that this year has to offer. If you are dreaming of a new job or position, this report can help you with the prospects of fulfilling it. Yearly Horoscope 2020-21 can also be your career guide!

Health & Family

Of all the things, health has primary importance in our life. Health Horoscope based on Vedic astrology can help you to predict your health and well being for the future. A precise analysis of your birth chart with respect to the changes in planetary positions in the year can reveal about your physical and mental health. Some of these changes would significantly influence your health, family and family members. Read your exclusive 2020-21 astrology report to be aware of these changes.

Financial Forecast/Wealth Horoscope 2020-21.

Want to know how well will be your financial status this year? Finance is always a concern for all and this 2020-21 Yearly Horoscope report can give you your Wealth/Financial Forecast. This report will let you know the good and bad periods for financial matters. By reading this report, you would get the tips & guidelines for improving/maintaining your financial status.

Favourable Planets, Its Effects & Predictions

This is your personal astrology predictions report. It studies in detail about the planetary positions and its effects in your life. You can know about the favourable planets and their positive influences. The report provides various personalized predictions and suggests some remedies too.